Vade MTA Builder for Service Providers
The Vade MTA Builder is a highly flexible, modular, and customizable mail transfer agent built for high-volume ISPs and email service providers.
Traditional MTAs built on monolithic architecture present constant challenges and limitations. The Vade MTA Builder empowers you to build your own MTA, including your own policies, to match your unique needs.
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The Vade MTA Builder is built on microservices and offered in a Golang (Go) build environment, giving ISPs and email service providers complete control over their MTA. With the ability to create a custom mail transfer agent uniquely designed for your business, you eliminate the hassle of relying on commercial vendors, future-proofing your solution.
Traditional mail transfer agents built on monolithic architecture place significant burdens and limitations on operations teams. The Vade MTA Builder gives operations teams the agility to rapidly scale, update policies, and conduct real-time testing and deployment.