Vade considers that the protection of customer data is a strong responsibility that requires the highest priority as the company wants to deliver to its customers a remarkable experience along every stage of their Vade’s journey.

Vade is therefore committed to the security and privacy of its customers, products, and services. So, we believe responsible disclosure of any security vulnerabilities identified by security researchers and others in the security community is an essential part of that commitment to assist in keeping our systems secure, in building cyber resilience and maintaining privacy for all users.

This policy is intended to give security researchers clear guidelines for conducting vulnerability discovery activities and to convey our preferences in how to submit discovered vulnerabilities to us. Responsible disclosure requires mutual trust, respect, and transparency between all members of the security community.

If you discover a vulnerability, we would appreciate to hear from you in accordance with this Policy so we can resolve the issue as soon as possible. Together we can achieve goals through collaboration, communication, and accountability.


If you make a good faith effort to comply with this document during your security research, we will consider your research to be authorized. We will work with you to understand and resolve the issue quickly.



Under this policy, “research” means security activities in which you:

  • Perform research only within the “In Scope” set out in this Policy;
  • Notify us as soon as possible after you discover a real or potential privacy or security vulnerability;
  • Keep information about any vulnerability you’ve discovered confidential between yourself and Vade until we have had at least 90 days to review and resolve the issue. It is important to note that the timeframe for us to review and resolve an issue may vary based upon a number of factors, including the complexity of the vulnerability, the risk that the vulnerability may pose, among others;
  • do not
  • violate any privacy law, (ii) deteriorate in any way the user experience, (iii) disrupt any production systems, or (iv) destroy or manipulate any data during security testing;
  • Only use exploits to the extent necessary to confirm a vulnerability’s presence. Do not use an exploit to compromise or exfiltrate data, establish persistent command line access, or use the exploit to pivot to other systems;
  • Keep communication channels open to allow effective collaboration;
  • Do not submit a high volume of low-quality reports.

Once you’ve established that a vulnerability exists or encounter any sensitive data (including personally identifiable information, financial information, proprietary or trade secret information of any party), you must stop your test, notify us immediately, and not disclose this data to anyone else.

Please Notice that Vade Customers should Raise a Case to Vade Support (support@vadesecure.com) for any reports that are not security related.

In the interest of the safety of our customers, staff, the Internet at large, Security researchers may not:

  • conduct vulnerability testing of software products, services or systems without express permission of the owners;
  • delete, alter, share, retain, or destroy any data;
  • violate any laws or breach any agreements in order to discover privacy or security vulnerabilities.

Security researchers must:

  • cease testing and notify us immediately upon discovery of a privacy or security vulnerability,
  • cease testing and notify us immediately upon discovery of an exposure of nonpublic data, and,
  • purge any stored nonpublic data upon reporting a privacy or security vulnerability.



The following test methods are not authorized:

  • Network denial of service (DoS or DDoS) tests or other tests that impair access to or damage a system or data:
  • Any other attempt to interrupt or degrade the services Vade offers, including impacting the ability for end users to use the service:
  • Physical testing (e.g. office access, open doors, tailgating), social engineering (e.g. phishing, vishing), or any other non-technical vulnerability testing.



This Policy applies to Vade Products and Services, to all Vade assets published on internet (e.g., corporate web sites…). Any service not expressly listed below, such as any connected services, are excluded from scope and are not authorized for testing. Additionally, vulnerabilities found in systems of our vendors fall outside of this policy’s scope and should be reported directly to the vendor according to their disclosure policy (if any). If you aren’t sure whether a system is in the scope or not, contact us at vulnerability-report@hornetsecurity.com before starting your research.

Though Vade develops and maintains other internet-accessible systems or services, we ask active research and testing to be only conducted on the systems and services covered by the scope of this document. If there is a particular system not in scope that you think merits testing, please contact us to discuss it first. Vade will increase the scope of this policy over time.

VADE Legacy websites like https://www.vadesecure.com

VADE MTA Servers

VADE products

VADE products administration Console


VADE Cloud infrastructure

VADE Service Monitoring infrastructure

VADE Security Infrastructure

VADE IT infrastructure service



1. Qualifying vulnerability

Qualifying vulnerabilities include: Web application vulnerabilities such as XSS, XXE, CSRF, SQLi, Local or Remote File Inclusion, authentication issues, remote code execution, and authorization issues, privilege escalation and clickjacking.

The vulnerability must be in one of the services named in the Scope section. You must be the first researcher to responsibly disclose the vulnerability and you must follow the responsible disclosure guidelines set out in this Policy.

2. What is not a “qualifying vulnerability”?

Although each submission will be evaluated on a case-by-case basis, here is a list of some of the issues which don’t qualify as security vulnerabilities:

  • UI and UX bugs and spelling mistakes.
  • TLS/SSL related issues.
  • Vulnerabilities due to out-of-date browsers or plugins.
  • Content-Security Policies (CSP);
  • Vulnerabilities in end-of-life products.
  • Vulnerabilities relying on the existence of plugins such as Flash.
  • Flaws affecting the users of out-of-date browsers and plugins.
  • Issues that involve a malicious installed application on the device.
  • Vulnerabilities requiring a jailbroken device.
  • Vulnerabilities requiring a physical access to mobile devices.
  • Use of a known-vulnerable library without proof of exploitability; and/or
  • Tap-jacking and UI-redressing attacks that involve tricking the user into tapping a UI element.
  • Account lockout or rate limit features.
  • “Source Code Disclosures” of JavaScript files, unless that file can be proven to be private.
  • “Cross Domain Referrer Leakage” unless the referrer string contains privileged or private information.
  • Subdomain takeover attacks without proof.
  • Host header injections when the connection must be MITM’d to exploit it or when the value of the header is not reflected in the page/used in the application.
  • HTML injection without any security impact.
  • CSRF attacks without any impact or that do not cross a privilege boundary.
  • Any third-party information/credential leaks that don’t fall under Vade’s control (e.g Google, Bing, Github, Pastebin etc);
  • Vulnerabilities that have been recently published (less than 30 days);
  • Vulnerabilities that have already been reported/fix in progress.


How Vade handles these reports

For the protection of our customers, Vade does not disclose, discuss, or confirm security issues until our investigation is complete and any necessary updates or patches are generally available.

What we would like to see from you

In order to help us triage and prioritize submissions, we recommend that your reports:

  • Describe the location where the vulnerability was discovered and the potential impact of exploitation.
  • Offer a detailed description of the steps needed to reproduce the vulnerability (proof of concept scripts or screenshots are helpful).
  • Be in English, if possible.
  • Submit your Reporting Document via PGP encrypted email to vulnerability-report@hornetsecurity.com. Public PGP key can be found there: https://openpgp.circl.lu/


What you can expect from Vade

When you choose to share your contact information with us, we commit to coordinating with you as openly and as quickly as possible.

Within 3 business days, we will acknowledge that your report has been received.

To the best of our ability, we will confirm the existence of the vulnerability to you and be as transparent as possible about what steps we are taking. (Time to resolution depends on severity and complexity)

We will maintain an open dialogue to discuss issues.

3. Reporting a vulnerability

Information submitted under this policy will be used for defensive purposes only – to mitigate or remediate vulnerabilities. If your findings include newly discovered vulnerabilities that affect all users of a product or service and not solely Vade, we may share your report with the concerned company, where it will be handled under their own disclosure policy. We will not share your name or contact information without express permission.

By submitting a vulnerability, you hereby (i) acknowledge that you have no expectation of payment and that you expressly waive any future pay claims against Vade related to your submission, (ii) grant Vade an unrestricted, perpetual, irrevocable, non-exclusive, fully-paid, royalty-free, transferable sub licensable right to exploit any data and information submitted by you to Vade, in any manner, for any purpose, and on any territory, including to improve Vade products and services and to create other products and services.

You will not give data nor information that is subject to a license that would require Vade to license its software, technologies, documentation or any of its assets to any third party because Vade includes your data or information in them.

By submitting your personal data to Vade, you also agree that Vade may reach out to you only to analyze and understand the vulnerability report you submitted, as set in this Policy. Your personal data will only be processed by Vade and kept for one (1) year.

You can access your personal data, rectify it, request its erasure or exercise your right to limit the processing of your personal data, withdraw your consent to the processing of your personal data at any time, object to the processing of your personal data, or exercise your right to portability of your data.

Please read our Privacy Policy on our website for more information.



At this time, Vade does NOT maintain a public facing list of externally reported issues and reporters.

Vade's policy is not intended to provide information about the specifics of vulnerabilities beyond what is provided through our customer notification process. We do not publicly distribute exploit/proof of concept code for identified vulnerabilities.

In accordance with industry practices, Vade does not share the findings from its internal security testing or other types of security activities with external entities.


By participating, you agree that you have read and understood the requirements of this Policy and agree to comply with its terms. Vade reserves the right to modify the terms and conditions of this Policy at any time and all legal rights in the event of non-compliance with this Policy.

Vade will not engage in legal action against individuals who voluntary submit vulnerability reports through our Vulnerability Reporting inbox. We agree not to pursue legal action against individuals who complied with this Policy and:

  • Engaged in testing of systems/research without harming Vade or its customers.
  • Engaged in vulnerability testing within the scope of our vulnerability disclosure program.
  • Tested products without affecting customers, or received permission/consent from customers before engaging in vulnerability testing against the customers devices/software, etc.
  • did not violate any applicable Laws.
  • Refrain from disclosing vulnerability details to the public before a mutually agreed-upon timeframe expires.



No employment relationship is created by your submission of a vulnerability report under this Policy. You understand that this Policy is not intended to and do not obligate you nor Vade to enter into any further agreement with Vade, nor to start any project to proceed with any possible relationship or other transaction, or to buy or sell products or services using or incorporating your vulnerability report.


Questions regarding this policy may be sent to vulnerability-report@hornetsecurity.com. We also invite you to contact us with suggestions for improving this policy.