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Posts in the category
"Email security"


Internet Crime Reaches $7.45B in US, Email Attacks Cause Damage

The FBI’s latest Internet Crime Report (IC3) revealed that US victims lost more than $2.7 billion to internet crimes...

Microsoft 365

Cloud email: the bigger the target, the easier the aim

In a new IDC infographic sponsored by Vade, IDC reports that although cloud email adoption grew to more than 70...


AI in Cybersecurity: How Hackers Are Helping Machines

Artificial intelligence (AI) is everywhere. Or is it? According to MIT Sloan Management Review, only one in 20...


Vade Uncovers Ongoing Direct Deposit Spear Phishing Attacks

For some unfortunate employees, cybercriminals have found a way to make even payday a miserable experience. In a...

Email Security

Data leaks and security breaches: Cybercrime in 2018

What to expect in 2019? Cryptojacking on the wane, email scams, State APTs...

Malware - Ransomware

Malware Analysis, Part 2: Deobfuscating Code in a Word Macro

In part 1, we defined what code obfuscation is, what it could be used for, and we studied some code with a small amount...

Email Security

Return Path, Vade partner to protect 500M email inboxes

Working together for over 3 years, Return Path and Vade continue to refine and enhance their solutions to identify...