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Posts in the category
"Email security"

MSP Cybersecurity

The Time for MSPs Is Now: The SMB Cybersecurity Landscape Report Overview

The workplace has undergone a massive transformation in recent years. In the wake of a global pandemic, organizations...

Email Security

Email Threat Detection: What MSPs Need to Know

The cybersecurity situation has escalated to a point where every organization needs to have advanced email security...


The Challenges of Phishing Detection (Part 1)

This article is the first of a series of three related to the challenges that we faced to detect phishing attacks at...

Email Security

Q1 2022 Phishing and Malware Report: Malware Skyrockets, Microsoft Is the Most Impersonated Brand

After a holiday slump in December 2021, cybercriminals returned to form in Q1 2022. Malware and phishing volumes across...

Email Security

Email Security Predictions 2022: 4 Ways Hackers Will Target Businesses

It’s that time of year when we make our predictions about the biggest email security threats that will emerge in the...


Apple and Amazon Invoice Scams Mimic Ongoing Tech Support Scams

As holiday season approaches and shopping gets underway, online receipts are hitting inboxes around the world....

MSP Cybersecurity

Cybersecurity Software: Why Ease of Use Is Essential

A staple of today’s digital age is the rapid pace of change in almost every field, but even more so when it comes to...